Submitting Assignments

For Macs and Linux

After you are done with your assignment, you need to copy the file from your computer to your CS61A instructional account. To do this, you should (in your terminal) move to the directory that has the assignment you want to submit.

Next, you want to scp (or copy) the file over to your server account.


This will copy your file to the home directory of your CS61A account. If you want to move it to a specific folder, ie. /labs/lab00, you add the specific directory after the ~


To submit your assignment, log into your instructional account


After logging into your account, you should move to the directory that contains your assignment. Once you've moved to the correct directory, you can now submit!

submit lab00

Note that you do not need to add the .py tag.

If you want to double-check that your submission worked, you can type in:

glookup -t

For Windows

The instructions here assume you've already downloaded and set-up PuTty and WinSCP. If you haven't, check out lab00.

First, transfer your .py files from your computer to the server by logging in via WinSCP and copying files over to your class account.

Next, log into your instructional account via PuTTY. After logging into your account, you should move to the directory that contains your assignment. Once you've moved to the correct directory, you can now submit!

submit lab00

Note that you do not need to add the .py tag.

If you want to double-check that your submission worked, you can type in:

glookup -t